Type 40 Tardis doors

This project was a quick weekend project that ended up taking almost 2 weeks to actually complete, due to some detailing that was done. At the time I was currently in my Sophomore year of undergraduate studies at Washington & Jefferson College and after taking finals I was free to work on the project for a weekend.

The idea came from just browsing the internet and finding a bar in New York City that build the front of a Tardis as their doors to their bathroom. Being a massive Doctor Who fan since freshman year of high-school, I decided to take the task on of replicating the doors of Matt Smith's (11th doctor's) Tardis.

As I began to work I thought it would be fun to document the process of their creation in time-lapsed video. So in the 3 videos, starting from the right, is most of the process that I went through to create the doors.