Lights Out

When most humans’ eyes are open, about two-thirds of the electrical activity in their brain is from vision. In fact, it has been found that half of our neural tissue has something to do with the visual sense.* But what about the other senses?

Lights Out is a nonvisual, multisensory, location-based interactive experience. Guests smell, feel, and hear their way around a room without seeing anything - using those senses in ways they aren’t often used in games and location-based experiences. Through rapid iteration, we are identifying fun, challenging, and novel activities to be part of the final experience. Following a series of sensory experiments, we will use our findings to build one polished experience able to be shown at festivals, in exhibitions, and as a standalone event.

*Source: Fixot R.S., American Journal of Ophthalmology, Aug 1957

  • (Myself) Dale Wones: Lead Artist/Builder
  • Alexandra Amorati: Producer
  • Dasol Park: Designer
  • Bitong (Annie) Wang: Programmer 

Research completed: November 2016

Physical Fabrication Completion: December 2016

A Deep dive into more information about the overall project can be found  HERE at Joule's team blog.